luni, 24 ianuarie 2011

Economia României, mai libera decât cea a Frantei

Economia României este libera în proportie de 64,7, ceea ce o plaseaza pe locul 63 din 183 de state în clasamentul celor mai libere economii din lume, potrivit concluziilor unui raport dat publicitatii miercuri de Heritage Foundation, o reputata organizatie de analiza economica din Washington, citata de Agerpres.
Potrivit Index of Economic Freedom pe 2011, scorul României s-a îmbunatatit cu 0,5 comparativ cu editia precedenta. Desi este depasita de tari precum Bulgaria, locul 60, Ungaria, locul 51, Slovacia, locul 37, si Cehia, locul 28, România se situeaza totusi în fata Frantei, locul 64, Slovenia, locul 66, Turcia, locul 67, Polonia, locul 68, si Portugalia, locul 69. Astfel, România se claseaza pe locul 27 din cele 43 de state din regiunea Europei, iar scorul sau total este mai mare decât media globala.
Si în acest an Hong Kong se situeaza pe prima pozitie, pentru al 17-lea an consecutiv, cu un scor de 89,7, mult peste media globala de 59,7. Urmeaza în ordine, Singapore, Australia, Noua Zeelanda, Elvetia, Canada, Irlanda, Danemarca, SUA si Bahrein. Pe ultimele locuri ale clasamentului se situeaza Coreea de Nord, locul 179, cu un scor de 1,0, în timp ce Afganistanul, Irakul, Liechtenstein si Sudanul nu au primit un calificativ.
La elaborarea acestui clasament, Heritage Foundation a luat în calcul o lista de 10 criterii precum interventia statului în economie, dreptul de proprietate, politica fiscala, gradul de coruptie, libertatea muncii.

joi, 20 ianuarie 2011

More iPhone Games known, but App Store to Face Piracy?

More iPhone Games known, but App Store to Face Piracy?
With the Apple’s advancement in their technology in the iPhone and iTouch, more and more people are getting hooked to having it the gadget to go. With the great graphics and multi-touch sensitivity, more games are being made by both individuals and independent software developers such as Beteo Games ( and more on the rise.
The easy access to a software development tool, and affordable registration to the app store has somewhat opened Apple’s doors to game producers to make more money by delivering it directly to customers. With the more costly production cost of the Nintendo DS and PSP, it is almost an instinct to make the move to producing iPhone Games.
Creativity is the promise of independent software developers, and fresh blood can pour in into the iPhone and iTouch, producing games for every age and taste.
But as more and more games are produced, so is the idea born of getting free games, or another term for piracy, such as what happened to the PC Gaming world. Many gaming platforms are already facing this dilemma, but could iPhone be next?
Word is spreading out that you can get any iPhone app for free, as to the app store has not given any sort of protection to the host that produces this games. But is it worth it? Is iphone gaming in peril?
If you are a software developer, then you should really think about this issue because you might face the problem of piracy, all those effort to make great games might be in vain. Popular gaming consoles have different layers of protection, making them a great consideration for any producer.
If you are a game aficionado who likes to steal games, I tell you it is not worth it. iPhone apps are selling very cheap, cheaper than PC or other handheld gaming consoles, so spending a little on can make you show your appreciation to the producers to their effort of producing such quality games, or you may not experience any great games anymore at all in the future.

How To Create iPhone Apps With No Programming Experience

How To Create iPhone Apps With No Programming Experience
Discover how to create iPhone apps easily with no programming experienced required. Learn from some of the top iPhone app developers to get your app created now.
How To Create iPhone Apps With No Programming Experience

iPhone Games: Zombie Farm Review

 Those familiar with the wide variety of Facebook farm-based games will be sure to really like the unique twist on that agrarian trend. Zombie Farm is a game that allows you to create a farm that harvests both fresh vegetables and not-so-fresh zombies. Moving beyond the straight plant and build your farm theme, however, this game also requires you to build a zombie army to fight the neighboring farmer, Old McDonell. It’s an odd mix of Farmville meets Plants vs Zombies.

An important note for this app is that the cost of the game is FREE – which is a very cool and great treat. Be aware, though, that there are options for in-app purchases to help you in your efforts to build and better your zombie farm and army. However, you don’t have to make a purchase in order to have fun with the game. Keep in mind, though, that while you don’t have to purchase brain (a necessary possession throughout the game) for the first ten levels, relying instead on successful campaigns against Old McDonell to earn the gray matter, in order to go beyond the tenth level you will have to purchase one brain. That purchase price is only .99c. If you like the game enough to make it to the tenth level and want to go beyond, it would benefit you to pay the brain fee to continue playing the game.
The basic gameplay is simple enough. You must start out by planting seeds and zombies to harvest. Seeds grow into various crops (carrots, tomatoes, onions, etc.), which you sell to get money to buy additional seeds and zombies, etc. Every seed planted has its own growing rate and value, so players should, especially in early play, plant wisely. Faster growing produce means you can sell your crops more frequently and earn more money, thereby growing your farm more quickly.
The zombies you plant grow into, well, zombies. Once harvested, the zombies wander around the farm mindlessly (sorry — couldn’t resist it). When you have gathered at least eight zombies, you have enough to form an army to attack Old McDonell. Zombies come in a variety of forms and mutations, though in the earliest stages of the game you’ll be limited to your plain old garden-variety zombie.
Zombie Farm is very simply a fun little game. The graphics are amusing and silly, and the irony of the pastoral sounds of birds chirping and a single acoustic guitar playing quietly as background to your meandering zombies is priceless. Old McDonell and his farmhands are so crazy looking they make the zombies look not half bad. Especially for a free app, the graphic design is really impressive.
The ability to connect with friends through Facebook — much like the popular games Farmville and Mafia Wars – adds a fun dimension to this game. The FREE price tag should encourage you to at least download the app and try it out, but you will need to give it a try for some time before truly being able to appreciate the game. For anyone who is looking for a fast action game, this won’t be your best bet. An improvement in the early stages would be faster growing produce to help encourage newcomers to stick with the game. Earning brain and money should be made easier in the first ten free levels, and then become more challenging after purchasing the full game.
  • Great price – FREE!
  • Amusing graphics and sound
  • Social networking connectivity
  • Slow moving and hard to advance
  • Needs to be played every day for best results
Score: 6/10
Price: FREE

iPhone Gaming : My Game Engine of Choice

iPhone Gaming : My Game Engine of Choice
I used to own many game consoles as I was young. The game boy, the nintendo, and you can go old as you can go, I have it.But when I grew older, I slowly realized that gaming with all those big cartridges may not suit me, so it kept the gamers gaming spirit suppressed inside.
Then born was the PSP’s, the Nintendo DS, and other portable gaming consoles that went popular with all those cool graphics and great games of every genre. From racing to RPG, to more casual games when you just want to “kill time” while waiting in line or something like that.
It sure made some high hopes for me, because I can bring my gaming experience anywhere and do it when I choose, but there is another tiny dilemma, working in the corporate world, don’t you think its a turn off seeing a grown man working with a PSP in hand? Well, in my opinion at least, I was not comfortable with the thought.
I wanted something discreet, yet it could deliver the gaming experience I always wanted, the great graphics, the gameplay, and the gamer inside of me could be unleashed.
The iPhone, ah, the sheer genius of Macintosh, isn’t it? A great company creating a hip phone with all the cool graphics and interface built in a pocket size mobile phone.
The news broke out that iPhone was made, and there was a “sub-world” if I may call it, iPhone gaming. Because of the great hardware Mac created with the iPhone, applications did not only came in calculators or the default games like Snake, but it created a whole new opportunity to enjoy gaming even in a mobile phone such as the iPhone.
Discreet, great graphics and really cool game choices. Ah, yes, the iPhone has become my gaming engine of choice. With also cheap but cool games, I can enjoy a variety of game genres of my liking.
With all the ‘seven-geese-a-laying’, ‘nine-ladies-dancing’, and all the ‘million gamers gaming’, iPhone is the gaming engine of choice for me.
Practical, because of the cheap games but are really cool, compared to the higher cost of other gaming consoles. And with the economy today, I can save money while enjoying great gameplay and cool graphics
Did I mentioned discreet? I can use it as a phone by day, and transform if into a gaming engine by night, or, uhh, err, my spare time.
With all the new games and latest release dates I hear about, I can keep up with all the latest action for me with the iPhone.

I thought I could never enjoy portable gaming anymore like I once used to, but after work, when stressed, or bored, I can just simple get my iPhone and just go into a world where I can relax and have fun and never have to worry about high cost of games, just what game to play next.
And with the independent software producers on the rise, or “fresh blood” as I like to call them, there will be more unique games to come, I’m sure.

Angry Birds Seasons Free

 Published by: Rovio Mobile Ltd.
Angry Birds Seasons Free: A Taste Of What Everybody Wants For Christmas
From now on, every season is an Angry Birds season. After the special treats of Halloween, Angry Birds Seasons returns with another gift that keeps on giving: Seasons Greetings for the Holidays!

Features in Angry Birds Seasons Free:
Wed like to take this opportunity to give everybody our Seasons Greetings and wish Happy Holidays to all of our fans. We thank you sincerely from the bottoms of our fluffy hearts for putting Angry Birds in the iTunes App Store Hall of Fame!
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